George the Second (1683-1760) was unique in many ways. Firstly he was the last monarch to be born outside of the United Kingdom, secondly he was the last monarch to lead a British army into battle, and thirdly he was considered to be responsible for the adage that a British Summer was '3 fine days and a thunderstorm.' By co-incidence, a long-standing rainfall series for England and Wales commenced in 1727, the same year that he succeeded his father as king. During his reign he probably became aware of some exceedingly wet summer months. 1736 produced one of the wettest Julys ever known, and the Julys of both 1743 and 1751 were also thoroughly wet. Some wet Augusts occurred in the early 1730s, but perhaps it was the extremely wet August of 1737 that triggered the quote. We may never know, but there is certainly some truth in the saying, and as we enter day 2 of the fine spell (and the warmest day of the year so far!) , we wonder if the hot and humid day tomorrow will be followed by that traditional thunderstorm!
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