Although rain threatens for the next couple of days, it's now 11 days since any measurable rain fell in Morden. With little, if any, rain likely during the last week, it looks as if September is going to be another dry month. That will make 3 out of the last 4 months with below average rainfall; and 6 out of the last 7 months have had temperatures below the 20 year average. The scientific community regularly assure us that the very wet weather (but not everywhere!) is part of global warming, and the El Nino is responsible for the lower temperatures. Of course, the threat of Global Warming cannot be ignored, but perhaps the trend towards sixties fashions has been followed by a return to sixties weather. Let's hope not. Apart from the severe winter of '62/63 most of the weather was instantly forgettable. Some of the fashions and much of the music appear to have lasted in the memory somewhat longer.